Namaste is honored to partner with many foundations and private donors to economically empower Guatemalan small business owners. All incoming donations are tax deductible and serve as investments in the lives and businesses of our clients.

Partner Spotlight: Rotary International
Namaste is honored to partner with many foundations, organizations, and private donors that share our commitment to strengthening women’s economic security in Guatemala.
- Since 2008, Namaste has had the privilege of partnering with dozens of Rotary clubs throughout the Americas and The Rotary Foundation to create prosperity for low-income businesswomen in Guatemala. Namaste has implemented seven Rotary Global Grants, which have served 900 women and benefited their families, reaching approximately 4,500 people. The beneficiaries of our Global Grants have averaged a 131% increase in monthly net profits, more than doubling their income. Our Rotarian partners have contributed their diverse skills, solution-oriented ideas, sweat equity, and funds to help Namaste advance women’s economic empowerment. We are proud of our symbiotic collaboration and the sustainable impact we have achieved together. In April 2021, Namaste’s Executive Director, Eugenia Duran, and Vice President, Desiree Lyons, were recognized as Paul Harris Fellows by the Rotary Club of San Mateo (RCSM). They received this prestigious award for exemplary service in launching and implementing a Rotary Global Grant, sponsored by RCSM, which will empower over 180 women to grow profitable businesses in Guatemala. Namaste’s Founder, Bob Graham, was also honored as a Paul Harris Fellow by the Rotary Foundation in 2009. Though none of Namaste’s staff are officially Rotarians, we are proud to represent the Rotary spirit and that three of our 12-person team have received this special honor Read more about our partnership in the Rotarian Magazine here!
- Partner Spotlight: The Effect The Effect is a student club with a unique focus on understanding local and global cycles of poverty and implementing solutions that break these cycles. Founded in 2008 out of Hillsdale High School, the club has grown in popularity and now includes students from San Mateo High and Middle College as well. Since its founding, The Effect has raised over $100,000 to support women in Namaste’s Creating Prosperity program and has sent over 100 students to Guatemala to observe the program firsthand. The Effect thrives under the leadership of the club’s two advisors, English teachers Greg Lance and Sarah Press, and with steadfast support of the San Mateo Rotary Club. Each year, students from the Effect spend a week in Guatemala with Namaste to see the program in action, and meet the hard-working women who benefit from their fundraising efforts. The students participate in financial literacy classes and business advising sessions alongside the women in Namaste’s program. They talk to the women about their backgrounds, their goals for their business, their dreams for the future. Students from The Effect are outstanding ambassadors when they come to Guatemala, as they are well-versed in social justice and they show up with a commitment to learning. Here’s a short video of The Effect’s 2022 trip to Guatemala https://youtu.be/SZIEAtMerQw
Here’s another fun fact about The Effect: a Hillsdale Alumn by the name of Stella Polaris is now studying at UC Santa Barbara and has started a club on her campus! So far, members of the Stella Polaris Club at UCSB have raised over $3,000 for Namaste! Watch their short video and be inspired https://fb.watch/k9sD1dfmnk/ If you’re interested in starting a club at your school, send us an email at [email protected] to learn more!